Meeting in the TRANSCEND, Sat Mar 8 - 5:00 pst

This was the largest-ever meeting of ActiveWorlds citizens. There were well over 300 people in the meeting at any given time, and most of them were talking at once. For public speakers (who can hear EVERYONE and not just the 12 closest, the text flew by too fast to read. The audience constantly shouted out questions, and we are sorry we couldn't possibly answer them all. Thanks to everyone who showed up!

Special thanks to DNapalm for the pics.

* Protagonist: Thans everybody for making this the busiest and biggest day in the history of AW...
* Kalak of Tanagra: ok here we go
* Protagonist: Ok everybody here we go... Listen to ENZO and Kalak... they have some important stuff and exciting news... :)
* Dataman: (448)
Dataman was referring to the current population of AW. This meeting Broke records.
* Kalak of Tanagra: "Without the voice of Reason every faith is its own curse_. Without freedom from the past things can only get worse"
* Roland: Kalak try 448
* E N Z O: hey can someone keep a txt file of tthe evenings events?
Liz Razzle: sure
Thanks to Liz and everyone who recorded the meeting for us.
* Kalak of Tanagra: A contemporary poet penned these worlds and I think in some sense they describe, where we are today.
* Kalak of Tanagra: Plus_. I just think Sting is cool ;)
* Kalak of Tanagra: Today we stand at the threshold of a new beginning, and we look forward to the future
* Kalak of Tanagra: But in order to get there, we must examine where we have been_ Or history will teach us nothing.
* Kalak of Tanagra: I'm Danny Viescas the CEO of Circle of Fire Studios, and I would like to speak briefly on the History of Active Worlds. Then I will be followed by Rick Noll "ENZO" the President who will speak about recent developments, and then Fi
* Kalak of Tanagra: Finally Ron Britvich "The Protagonist" who will talk about the future.
* Roland: (quiet please)
* Kalak of Tanagra: Two years ago a long time friend Ron Britvich "The Protagonist" spoke to me about a project that would allow the users to create their own 3D worlds. Not just enjoy the content of artists and developers but to develop the worlds the
* Kalak of Tanagra: themselves.
* Kalak of Tanagra: I joined him on this project along with Lynne (my wife), Roland Vilett, Russ Freeland
* Kalak of Tanagra: "Without the voice of Reason every faith is its own curse_. Without freedom from the past things can only get worse"
AW Logo
Again, thanks to DNapalm for the snapshot.
* Kalak of Tanagra: today, the activeworlds team has grown to include some of the finest people in the industry
* Kalak of Tanagra: we intend to learn from the past and make the future better
* Dataman: <<---looks around to find these guys :)
Dataman cracks me up. :-)>
* Kalak of Tanagra: Circle of Fire Studios, over the last few months
* Kalak of Tanagra: has put together a deal to insure the future of Activeworlds
* Kalak of Tanagra: weve done this because we are users of Active worlds
* E N Z O: thanks blabber
* Kalak of Tanagra: just like you
* Kalak of Tanagra: Active worlds team has now found its home at Circle of Fire Studios
AW Logo
DNapalm recorded the moment of this historic anouncement.
* Kalak of Tanagra: and is now joined by Moria, and Bonzer as well as the existing COF staff
* Kalak of Tanagra: as the CEO of COF
* Moria: :)
* Kalak of Tanagra: I extend my hand to all fellow users
* Kalak of Tanagra: because now Active worlds is in the hands of the users
* Kalak of Tanagra: please welcome Enzo
Massive applause.
* E N Z O: hi everyone
* E N Z O: You guys are great
* E N Z O: Take a look around, ever see so many avatars?
* E N Z O: You all have things you want to change,
* E N Z O: and that's why COF made sure
* E N Z O: that AW didn't die last week!
* E N Z O: We need everyone here to let us know (but not tonight :)
* E N Z O: what you would like
* E N Z O: what you want to change
Someone yelled out a question about a newsletter.
* E N Z O: Yeah, we are going to have a newsletter
* E N Z O: and we are going to take your suggestions and make this the best world ever.
* E N Z O: So, you are going to just have to let us know
* E N Z O: Do you like Metatropolis?
Crowd chanted Yes!
* E N Z O: Do you like Yellowstone?
Crowd chanted Yes! YES! YES!
* E N Z O: Do you want to build in more places?
Crowd chanted YES! YES! YES!
* E N Z O: Do you want to get rid of the vandals?
Crowd went into a frenzy.
* E N Z O: That is what this is about.
* E N Z O: It's up to you to make all of this happen.
* E N Z O: Power to the people.
* Kalak of Tanagra: power to the people brother
The crowd joined in this chant.
* E N Z O: We love Active Worlds and so do you.
* E N Z O: We are planning to open more worlds,
* E N Z O: with more models,
* E N Z O: and stuff that makes Metatropolis look like junk
* E N Z O: You guys are great!
* Young Shamus: <===smiles
* E N Z O: Rock on.
* E N Z O: and here's Protagonist.....
* Protagonist: Hi
* Protagonist: What is this place and who do you build here?
He ment "Why do you build here?"
* Protagonist: Well a couple of things....
* Protagonist: AW did almost die
Crowd was horrified. Sadly, this is true. They drowned Protag out with questions.
* E N Z O: youi guys let protag speak
* Protagonist: I'm very glad that Danny (Kalak) and Rick (ENZO) saved AW.... Let's give them a hand
Massive applause.
* Kalak of Tanagra: thanks
* E N Z O: blussh :))
* Dataman: <<---claps for Danny and Rick
* Young Shamus: clap clap clap clap kiss kiss kiss
* Protagonist: I've always viewed AW as your place, not mine
* Kalak of Tanagra: :) but PRotag and Roland made it
* E N Z O: \~/
* Protagonist: So in a way they have saved all of our efforts
* Protagonist: There are several good things about the new company that has bought AW
* Dataman: (485/326!)
Dataman was again refering to the incredible turnout.
* Protagonist: One and probably the most important is that this company really cares about AW
* Protagonist: This new company even knows that we exist :)
* Protagonist: It is a focused company too
* Dataman: :)
* Young Shamus: :)
* Protagonist: That wants to partner with all of us
* Kalak of Tanagra: And we are very cool
* Protagonist: To extend themselves to developers, builders, to make this place what we all want
* Dataman: lol
* Protagonist: So I am very hopeful as to the future of AW
* Protagonist: Your support has really helped us too
* Protagonist: So may AW live a long life...! :)
* E N Z O: si
* E N Z O: clap clap clap
* E N Z O: bow
* Protagonist: And thanks for making this the biggest day in the history of AW
* Kalak of Tanagra: We will take a few questions NOW
Mr Ekshin: May we ask questions?
Mr Ekshin: I have a question.
EVERONE began asking questions.
* Dataman: <<--hates to leave but the show must go on!
* E N Z O: heheh
* Kalak of Tanagra: ok let me try ot answer a couple
* Protagonist: Will will do our best to answer a few questions... Please remember that with 327 people in here at this moment, we will not be able to get to all of your ?'s :)
* Kalak of Tanagra: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
* Roland: We're holding now at about 12 questions/second
* Kalak of Tanagra: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
* Kalak of Tanagra: ok ...NO we will not be charging users .... we will have servers for sale
* E N Z O: Worlds layed off everyone involved with AW
* E N Z O: And then was gonna let AW die
* Protagonist: On the the first questions I say concerned the $495 server.... We are going to be making available servers at a much more accessible price :) (like $99 or less)
* E N Z O: read our pages
* Kalak of Tanagra: We will have differnt levels of servers so they are affordable to all
4U2NV: yea,clap clap .....
* Protagonist: We want as many people that want to be able to run and operate their own world
* Kalak of Tanagra: our personal servers will start at 69.95
Razzle: I Wish to Congratulate COF on keeping us alive!
This is very important. The faster we grow, the better our chances for success
* E N Z O: we need more citizens
Ice Dancer: I hope the Vandalism problem will be finally dealt with. I hope that the things they put up around other people's property can be deleted.
* Kalak of Tanagra: so again, the end users do not have to pay dime one!
* E N Z O: so BIG companys will see this as the media of the future
* E N Z O: then it can stay FREE
* Protagonist: As to future enhancements in the product... we plan to partner with a select few stratgic partners to help make the best product it can be
* Kalak of Tanagra: in this way, we will have many many more developers creating content
* Protagonist: We also want to partner with you and give you the kinds of things that you want
* Kalak of Tanagra: we do not offer public stock at this time, to answer that question
* Roland: For those of you asked, there will be new information available on purchasing your own server very soon
* E N Z O: evryone of these questions will be answered in newsletters
4U2NV: using z object? why cant the public use them?
Nobody answered this question, but the answer is NO.
* Roland: yeah is someone writing all these questions down? :)
* Kalak of Tanagra: in the next few weeks, check our web pages to see all the further developments
* E N Z O: contact the newsgroups
* E N Z O: dont spam in AW
* Kalak of Tanagra: at the request of some of our users, we will offer Active worlds t-shirts
* E N Z O: its an English treat
* E N Z O: right moria
* Moria: right :0
* Roland: hey T-shirts, that's a good idea, put that on the price list Danny
* Kalak of Tanagra: we will offer a special active worlds membership card for active worlds core enthusiasts
* E N Z O: contact us if you can help in a commercial
* E N Z O: way
* Roland: no, not a card, let's make a T shirt
* Protagonist: May... someday... AW will be a place that even satisifies Delta :)
Razzle: LOL
* Roland: yeah and bumper stickers
* Moria: BUY a tee-shirt at 90 dollars, get a server free
* Protagonist: It will take a lot of work though.... (To make Delta happy)
* Kalak of Tanagra: details on the membership card will be on our web pages
* Kalak of Tanagra: but again, we are not charging end users anything
* Moria: thanks Work :)
* E N Z O: if we can get 1,000,000 citizens by Sept 97we will NEVER have to charge
* Roland: we;ll do that soon Brian
* Young Shamus: has anyone recorded the ENTIRE meeting up to now?
The questions went on for some time. Thanks to everyone who showed up and took part. YOU are what makes ActiveWorlds so great!